Big Data Congress II, which was hosted by T4G, brought over 700 people to Saint John, NB for some great talks about technology’s impact on our lives and on businesses. These are their stories – in pictures. All photos by Wicked Ideas visual editor Michael Hawkins. Follow him @Hawkalicious
John Weigelt, Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Canada @thumbtackhead
Clayton Christensen, Professor, Harvard Business School; Author, The Innovator’s Dilemma @claychristensen
Full house at the Saint John Trade and Convention Centre for Clay Christensen. Wait a sec, is that a flip phone?
Corrine McIsaac, President and CEO, Health Outcomes Worldwide @outcomesCorrine
Corrine McIsaac, President and CEO, Health Outcomes Worldwide @outcomesCorrine
Adrian Bentley, Co-founder, Analyze Re @analyzere
Robert Scoble, tech writer and blogger,; author, The Age of Context @scobeleizer
David Saevitzon, Senior Vice President, Business Intelligence, T4G (left) and Erin Shellman, data scientist, Nordstrom Data Lab @erinshellman
Kevin Slavin, Co-founder, Area/Code; MIT Media Lab, lead researcher, Playful Systems @slavin_fpo
Kevin Ashton, general manager, Conserve; The Internet of Things pioneer @Kevin_Ashton
T4G president Geoff Flood and Saint John Mayor Mel Norton close out Big Data Congress II. @melnortonsj
To change our region, we gotta think wicked. Pull up a chair, we’ve got a lot of work to do.